Development Through Play for Infants, Toddlers, and Preschoolers

The development of children in the first five years is critical. Many adults and parents would think of "development" as only changes in physical growth. While changes that can be observed fall under the development umbrella in one's core functions, those that the naked eye can't readily see do so, such as the progression of children's executive function and social and emotional competence. 

In infancy, toddlerhood, and preschool-hood, development across different aspects, from mobility to intelligence, happens simultaneously through a myriad of experiences. 

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Development Through Play - Infants through the Age of 5
As babies grow from the time they are born, parents notice that their child experiences and participates in many different kinds of play. These engagements have a substantial effect on their growth and development. While it is often self-directed and done at the child's intrinsic motivation, play can still be relegated to the backseat and take less priority.
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The Vital Roles Toys Play in the Development of Infants, Toddlers and Preschoolers

Toys are integral in a child's development from infancy to early childhood, which happens at about 3-5 years of age. They stimulate the senses, especially for babies, and encourage children to pay attention to different things. 

Play items and playing stimulate vital areas in the development and raising of a child. These include cognitive, physical, emotional, and even social development, which carry significant weight in raising a self-confident child and honing a dynamic and outstanding personality that will be valuable later in life.

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Understanding the Importance of Playing in Children’s Development
"Play" encapsulates activities geared towards children's amusement and engagement to stoke their imagination and creativity. These activities are voluntary and initiated by the child's instinct, curiosity, and motivation. It may or may not follow rules, but children should stay safe. Moreover, it makes the child cognitively and physically active and rewarded.
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Wooden Toys and Nursery Essentials Are the Best for Your Child Development

Early life experiences have a crucial role in one’s later life as they provide a groundwork for their ability to adapt, cope with life’s challenges, and succeed. They happen from...

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